This is a picture that Sierra drew for me on October 28, 2007. I love this drawing because of its simplicity. Sierra drew it for me because she knew that I liked lighthouses. This picture always reminds me of our responsibility to "let our lights shine". Sierra was born in Guam but we moved to Alaska when she was 1 year old.
Here is a photo of Sierra playing in the sand at Sandy Beach in Sitka, Alaska when she was one or two years old.
I took a photo of each of my kids looking for whales with binoculars. Sierra was so young that she had a hard time even holding them up to her eyes.
This is a photo of my beautiful 14 year old Sierra on board the Desert Princess.
It was taken in the fall of 2008.
Sierra has always been a bright beacon to all those she is around.
A Dad could not ask for a nicer, smarter, more beautiful Daughter.
I Love You!