Thursday, February 19, 2009
Why I love Psalms 107: 23 to 31!
When I was young I watched every Cousteau documentary that aired on the TV. Everything about his shows enthralled me. Winter vacations to southern California in junior high and high school further deepened my interest in the sea. It's funny because my brother was going to become an oceanographer and I was going to become a pilot. My brother actually became a helicopter pilot for the army and I became a dive instructor while I was finishing my music degree at the University of Utah. My dream was to write marine theme documentary music for Cousteau-style documentaries. I spent two years as a missionary along the Sea of Japan before college. Then, a honeymoon trip to the Bahamas set me on a course that took me from the Tropics to the Arctic over the next 20 years. After graduation we moved to Guam where I worked as a Japanese speaking dive instructor. I got my sea time working as a dive guide and eventually got my Captains license. Work and vacations took me to various islands in Micronesia as well as Indonesia and the Philippines. After 6 years in Guam we moved to Sitka, Alaska to work as a whale watch vessel Captain. During the summer I would take tourists out to see whales, seals, and sealions. Other times of the year I helped deliver new high-speed catamarans that the company built for tour and ferry applications. As a delivery captain, I captained vessels to the Bering Sea as well as down the coast to Seattle and up the eastern seaboard from Florida to New York. The purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts and experiences about the sea. In fact, the title of this blog, "His Wonders In The Deep", which comes from Psalms 107:24, will serve as my motto as I share my experiences through the years as I have been awed and inspired by His wonders in the deep.